Our services


Young people need encouragement and the self-belief that they can achieve. With this in mind, we stimulate, encourage, and motivate the young people to feel confident about transitioning to adult life.

With years of experience as a foster carer, Baby & Mother Foster Carer and working as a support / key worker in a residual unit, the needs of the young people are at the forefront of the business.
The groups which we feel we can work with are;

• 16-18-year olds with who require moderate support into independence
• Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers 
• Child Sexual Exploitation
• Mild Learning Disability
• Criminal Exploitation
• Care Leavers

A team will be created around each young person to ensure their needs are met and will consist of key workers, support workers and outreach buddies to ensure they have a holistic approach to their development.


Music Therapy


• 16 - 18 years old

• Emergency Placements (Dependent on referrals)

• Learning Disability

• Looked After Children (LAC)

• Care Leavers

• Young people involved in Criminal Justice System

• UASC (Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children)

• Young people exhibiting emotional and behavioural issues

• Young people vulnerable to CSE and/or criminal exploitation

In line with Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs’, we ensure that the basic physical needs of young people are met in order to enable young people to develop relationships and begin to identify their emotional needs. As we promote independence and the opportunity for each young person to achieve, they are able to grow in self-confidence and self-awareness.

Dedicated key workers will encourage young people to feel safe and secure in order to develop attachments skills which will in turn promote security. 
All young people are encouraged to create a central learning and working path which will lead them to independence.

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